Message from Players for the Planet

Players for the Planet is dedicated to providing resources for athletes across the sports landscape and helping everyone help themselves and their communities.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing public health crisis, OUR LIVE EVENTS WILL BE POSTPONED in accordance to government and CDC recommendations, including all Earth Day events scheduled for April.

Our priority is keeping our team, sponsors, partners, speakers and attendees safe.

In the meantime, Players for the Planet will be supplying new online content, resources and offerings for you. We are continuing to communicate with Partners we have in place, as well as developing new collaborations daily, to determine how we can best assist in communities as we all navigate the #COVID19 pandemic. We will share efforts we and our Partners are participating in, so you will know how you can also help your local community. Because we are all in this together.

All of these offerings will be FREE AND AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC, so please read our NEWS blog to stay up to date on efforts in local communities. Share with your friends, teammates and colleagues who may benefit and ask them to join our mailing list to stay in touch.

We hope you and your families stay safe and healthy during this unprecedented time, and we look forward to connecting with you online in the coming weeks.

Players for the Planet

Chris Dickerson, Founder
Sommai LeBron, Interim Chief Executive Officer
Slade Heathcott, President

Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image.

December 2019 Batting Cleanup Initiative